Wolf on the trail of photos in Gatineau Park
It hasn't been the most impressive fall I've seen, but it is the first Ontario fall I've had in 5 years and first southern Ontario fall I've experienced since 1994. (wow do I feel old).
We went to the McKenzie Mountain trail - waiting 20 minutes for a parking spot and on the sugarbush trail by the visitor centre.
We were treated to 2 most excellent Thanksgiving dinners. Manda fed us on and my parents the other. All in all it has been a terrific and relaxing weekend... back to the grind tomorrow.

You were not seriously in Gatineau park this weekend!! I am staying in Shawville - like, 15 minutes away from there - and incidently also spent the weekend hiking around the park with M&E. Arrgh.
I have no idea where shawville is...but it would have been cool to see/hike with you. I did email you last week I think... I don't have any idea how to reach you and I think I have a reason why I wanted to.
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