Sunday, May 18, 2008

Geum - and other exciting garden news

The geum, above, is still blooming in its new home in my sunny perrenials bed and there is quite a bit of action in the garden including:

1. The wildflower seeds I planted have started to germinate.
2. I'm nearly done reseeding the back yard and the grass seed has also started to germinate. (The only down side is that it has gone in germinated in a spot where I'd decided to enlarge one of the beds... so now I'll have to leave it or kill the new grass.)
3. The wildflower bed is basically planted and it turned out pretty nice. I'll have to see how it fills in.
4. I'm struggling with the sunny bed which I extended all around. But that means I need to mainly plant short plants that preferably bloom for a good bit of the summer/fall and so now I have some tall plants needing new homes.
5. 3 of my overwintered geraniums are starting to bush out while the remaining ones are hanging in.
6. I got most of the plants photographed for my garden journal/handbook and a few more of the sunny perrenials planted today. I still have way more to do that I figure I'll find time for, but I'm sure I'll work it out as I go. I'm usually not even started yet.
7. The hostas in the front are up and starting to look like plants.
8. The transplanted spearamint survived nicely - although I fear it'll be a while before I have time to deal with the bag of fresh mint in the fridge... maybe too long. I'll have to think of something.
9. The larger animal damaged serviceberry has some good leaves out now and the smaller one is making a valient effort. I'll have to research what I can do to help it (i.e. fertalize or no).
10. The lillies of the valley in the front are finally thriving, although unfortunately they've popped up right under my bleeding heart this year.
11. I've been planning which branches to prune, but I'm still missing my shears :S.
12.I'm not allowed to buy more plants until the ones I have in are in... except maybe some of the monkshead that is on for very cheap.

And now it is time for sleep. :D
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