Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Salad PIcture for December

I'm posting this here for myself in 6 months when I will be able to fully appreciate what a luxury this fresh, green salad is... I mean its wonderful now, but scarcity and price make the heart grow fonder.

Speaking of my move - I looked up the climate normals for Baker Lake to see if I needed to get my winter boots before leaving or if it could wait until Christmas. The average daily temperature for December is -28.4 C - slightly warmer than January and February, but not much. I'm thinking boots before I go for sure. Its funny - I have probably a better than average set of warm clothes - I already had a parka and a selection of weights of long underwear (6 years working as Campus Police which often involves 6-8 hours walking about campus in the winter - some of that was in Thunder Bay too - not exactly toasty at 2 am in February) and I had a decent pair of winter boots, but I've had them since 1996 - so they were already slated for replacement as I've worn right through the heels and they leak. What I lacked were a number of basic household items having sold a good portion of my stuff when I moved back here and having had no reason to replace any of it yet. But I think aside from the boots and maybe a pair of skidoo gloves I'm ready for my move or as ready as I can be without knowing what I'm going to miss.

Looking over the climate data again, perhaps the most telling number is that the highest temperature ever recorded in October was 9.7 C and its expected that there is at least 1 cm of snow 22/31 days. This makes October sound a lot like December here - actually it makes it colder. The average daily temperature for December in Toronto is - 2.9 C, compare that to the average daily temperature for October in Baker Lake (-7.5 C) which actually leaves Baker Lake consistantly colder in October than even January or February here. Comparing to Thunder Bay (Daily Average October Temperature of 5 C) and Fredericton ( 7 C) and Toronto (8.9 C) - its a lot colder. For Kashechewan there is no climate normal data, but Moosenee (on the coast but somewhat south) October is 3.4 C while Landsdowne House (similar latitude, but much further from James Bay has a daily average October temperature of 2.4 C) I suppose when you look a place up on Youtube and get a tonne of blizzard movies - you should just assume you need winter boots. So, I guess, I'd better enjoy my salads while I can and work on getting those boots.

Latitudewise - Toronto is 43 40.8', Fredericton is 45 52.2', Thunder Bay is 48 22.2', Kashechewan is 52 17.6' and Baker Lake is 64 18.0'.
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