Saturday, September 19, 2009

Work at Dawn

Here is my second home at dawn.... and what a sky! The photo doesn't really do it justice. The summer is starting to rise later and set earlier - the darker season is slowly creepy up on is.... its been warmer than normal this September for Baker, but snow isn't too far in our future.

Sorry for disappearing between business, lack of internet, followed by lack of bandwidth... I've been unable to blog for a while now.... I just need to make sure I get out and take some more pictures before winter catches up to us.

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Blogger Amy said...

Hi Jennith,
My name is Amy, and I'm visiting Baker Lake for the first time in a couple of weeks. I came across your blog as part of my search for travel info, and noticed that it contains links to several Girl Guide pages. Coincidentally, I happen to be one of GGC's Deputy Chief Commissioners. Are there any Guiding units active in Baker Lake? I was under the impression that Iqaluit was the only community in NU with active units. If you're at all interested in starting one (or even if you're not), please drop me a line - I'm only staying for a week or so, but I'd love to chat. You can reach me at amy(dot)porteous (at)

10:52 PM  

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