Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pretty on the Outside too!

This shot was taken after eating my first Phily Cheese Steak outside of the museum. I Unfortunately never went outside in front of the building to capture that view. There is a neat series of waterfalls that cascade from step to step. Above is a picture from behind the falls.
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Gaurdian Demi-Gods

Here is one of many totem poles displayed in the grand hall.
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The Museum of Civilizations - WOW!

My last stop in Ottawa was the museum of Civilizations. I don't think I did it much justice in the 4 hours I was there, but I did enjoy it. They have a knack of creating mood and settling around their artfully displayed artifacts. However, I wasn't up to digesting all the fine print, so after the first floor, I mostly just looked at the artifacts and only read when something caught my eye. This grand hall is in front of the first nations and west coast native exibits. It is far more impresive then it looks, kudos to the architect and designers.
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