Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Woolen Rainbow

Here are Gabe's Briggs and Little Wool samples. Knitting knight was quiet. I finished my second "pair" of mittens, but may have to knit at least one more mitten before they actually make a pair as they are vastly differing in size and shape. Sigh . . .

Another thing I learned this week is that an elipse has spaces between the periods! Oh, and in other grammar news - i also learned about restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.

I have started reading delivered from distraction. I'm not sure I love the book. So far, it seems to be building a case that people with ADD are better than others. While I realize that his intent is to bolster the self esteem of people who suffer greatly and keep an optomistic tone, I find that I have trouble taking it as seriously as I might. I haven't gotten to the more technical bits though.

I have tonnes to do and a headache, so I'd best get to work... sorry i mean . . .


Jennith Posted by Picasa


Blogger Unknown said...

While the Knitting knight may be a quiet and contemplative fellow, does he joust with knitting needles or a proper tourny lance?

10:25 AM  
Blogger Jennith said...

I suspect he may be related to Benton Fraser... so like as not its a frozen otter or a hat or his polite Canadianness :D

11:42 PM  

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