Thursday, June 28, 2007

Addicted to Gardening

Yesterday, I think I bought the last of the plants for this year - well at least I think. I'm actually running out of space.

It started with an inocent discovery of blue pottery pots on sale for $2 and a need for a bit more mulch to finish up the front and I had intended to pick up a few more Hostas for the backyard. But the plants were on sale too. So I ended up with a tray of herbs (largely mint, but also two types of oregano, 1 Basil and 2 chives), a white coneflower, a columbine, a purple aster, a camomile, a delphinium, 2 salvia, 1 licorish plant, 4 tomatos, 4 red cabage, 4 spanish onions and an acorn squash. I have most of it planted now and watered most of it, I have a few more house of work this evening to get the hostas and the columbine settled. I still need to find a sunny place for the tomotos and 2 red cabages and about 5 mint plants. On the weekend I have plants for pruning back the silver maples and thining the selfrecruited maples in a few places (especially the ones that are growing close to the fence.) Oh yeah, and I need to finish mulching the front garden too.

After all of that, I think I'll be back down to watering and inspecting and removing dead bits and bugs. The impatiens are just starting to thrive in the front, while the ones in the back are still lagging. Hopefully the cooler weather and future rain will give it a leg up.

The completely unrelated picture above was taken in Orangeville of a restored channel.
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