Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hilton Falls on Vacation in a Scenic Backwater Area

I did some hiking this weekend. I can say that it did me a good bit of good to get out and move. I enjoy the wildflowers at Kelso and hanging out with an old friend at Hilton. However, I was shocked when I saw the falls - I've never seen them to a point where they were reduced to such a bare trickle. The mystery was solved when we found a freshly and tidily built Beaver Dam creating this large meadow. Now I know that there are historically beavers in the area (owing to the existance of a beaver pond trail there, but apparently this entire pond did not exist earlier in the season. It made for a pretty scene though. Yesterday I had a great day in the field, sucessfully completing some tasks that I've been wanting to do for a while. It worked out well, and now I cross my fingers that now glitches pop up in the future.

Have a good day.. get outside.. its good for your mind.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I got outside, but I sat on a rock reading. The book was about tree's though... :)

2:03 PM  
Blogger Jennith said...

ah - the trouble with books....but reading outside is nice

5:05 PM  

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