Friday, November 16, 2007

Ouimet Canyon

After leaving Thunder Bay, I made a quick stop at Amethyst Harbour - where I got a bit turned around. It was raining - so the pictures weren't worth posting - but basically its a bunch of cottages on Lake Superior.

This photo is taken at the next stop - Ouimet Canyon. I hummed and hawed over the stop because I'd been here before (but not in autumn) In the end, I was glad I took the side trip. It was really inspiring and I fear none of my pictures does it justice. I read lots about the geology and ecology here. Its pretty neat. The canyon is so narrow that the plants in the bottom are actually relict populations from the last ice age - because it is shaded so much, the snow stays late into the spring (maybe even the summer) and so artic plants thrive where regular plants haven't.
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