Friday, March 14, 2008

ROM - PPM reunited

Well, the gruesome threesome of the LU EFRT were actually in the same place at the same time for the first time since A. went overseas I think. So - after much discussion we decided to go to the ROM - since only I had been there in recent years at all - and I hadn't seen the new crystal. I'm sad to say that I was a bit disappointed. The displays looked nice, but they seemed totally lacking in the usual explainations that you find in museums. Even the dinosaurs had little in the way of interpretive signs. What there was in abundance were small label cards identifying the artifact and giving some numbers - like date found and location, possibly the period where appropriate - but I didn't learn anything and I found it difficult to read the cards without focusing my energy toward it - perhaps they just haven't finished that part of the new exhibits. It seems a lot less geared towards kids than I remembered. Crazyness!
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