Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunshine on a rainy day

Well, a brief moment of not rain following more days with at least one episode of rain. Yesterday was the only sunny day in the last week, and also the first time I'd driven up to Guelph in a while. Took the backroads home, which made for a nice drive. Today.. it is threatening to rain - but it hasn't done anything yet. The wind just has that sound and feel that I associate with weather before rain.

Lots of exciting garden news...
  • everything is in the ground - yeah!! I'm sure a few of the plants that had been waiting in their little pots for weeks to get planted are happy and a nice rain should really do them some good at getting settled
  • I removed the suspected poison ivy - although I did find one of the bigger plants that had 5 leaves increasing the chances that it was just demented Virginia creeper - as opposed to something more sinsiter.
  • things are starting to look chewed on again. Since its supposed to rain I held off on spraying the leaves... but I did reset my beer traps.
  • the lobelia is nearly in flower
  • the chamomile is flowering
  • the wildflower garden has a bunch of flowers all at once and is finally looking like a garden rather than a collection of leaves.
  • The strawberries which only produced 2 flowers all summer have gotten another 2 unexpectedly
  • Two new colours of daylily are open in the daylily bed
  • The first tomatos are starting to grow into tomatoes The plants are getting absolutely huge and I did some more staking today
  • I'm still waiting for obediant plant to flower
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