Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ooops.. No Superior Alone Tour Shot afterall

I was going to post a picture to commemorate the one year anniversary of my "Superior Alone Tour" (I even have a tshirt somewheres).... Unfortunately, I don't have most of my photos handy... infact the only old stuff I have is related to my thesis field work... so Merry Travels and here is some late september shots of CWD in Wilmot.... which is also beautiful if not yet in fall colours. This time last year was probably my last day in Thunder Bay or second last before I headed back to TO. It might have been the evening that I went to the Bluffs for the the first time and centennial park.... all those places I never went to when I lived there because I didn't have a car or even really know that they are there. Instead you can follow this link to my journal from my trip and all the photos that I posted already.

In reflection, I have to admit that trip is one of the coolest things I did.. rain and all. I had a blast camping with Mhari and trying Sven and Oli's Pizza (even if I experienced Minasota in total downpour conditions). I think I hit every major waterfall between Pidgeon River and Sudbury (that was off the highway) and I made it to Jackfish, Port Coldwell and Rainbow Falls and tonnes of places that I've never even heard of. Hopefully, I'll make it to the beach in Neys Provincial Park and maybe get to hike a bit of the Cascades trail this summer and I still need to make it to the Agawa Canyon.... :D Everyone should do a solo road trip once in there life...I hope this isn't my last either... I have many hills left to climb and roads to drive and niches to find... night
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