Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wildflowers waking up

Woodland plants and bulbs are popping up down south. The trillium picture was probably taken just shy of 1 year ago. Maybe the last week of April or the first week of May. I assume that means that my woodland garden is also starting to wake up... and the gardener is me is wondering if my trilliums survived. What will come up first - will the violets and bricknell's geranium take over. Will the Jacob's ladder come back... will I have to go at the strawberries with a chainsaw. How did the lily of the valley do? Did the squirrels eat all the crocusses and daffodils? Tulips?? Will the Lupine recover from the torments of earwigs and slugs? When will the columbine flower? Will it survive without me to nuture it??

I've instructured the current caretakers to provide photographic proof of its survival when they get a chance... I hope that I can whip it into shape (i.e. mulch it and tidy the edges of the beds) quickly. I don't think there will be much need to plant this year. Mostly this year will be clipping and tying back - weeding and fertalizing.

LOL.. look for pictures from me in June or July
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