Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A new day and a new David Usher CD

Its strange this morning - no howling wind flapping the tent, relatively warm air, no achy bruised feeling from sleeping on a yellow foamie atop plywood and an alarm clock. It feels weird to have a quiet morning routine that doesn't require trying to cook food on a Coleman stove that the wind is stealing all the heat or changing in my sleeping bag or that clammy sleeping bag feeling or waking up with a toque on, but I miss it. It felt like Doe Lake, it was so easy to fall back into the routine of waking up under canvas and then spending the day on simple camp tasks like cooking and cleaning the lats and rolling sleeping bags. However, the sound of the coffee maker in the background is trying hard to make up for it and its not so being warm.

In other awesome news, there is a new David Usher CD - The Mile End Sessions - which is an awesome acoustic reworking of some of his best songs. I'm blown away. I don't think I was that excited, since I wasn't expecting many new songs - and they are new, but they are totally different and I really want to pick up my guitar and figure out the tab for so many of them. Its beautiful and awesome and I now understand why it took so long to put together even though it was a compilation of existing songs. Bravo and Merci, Monsiour David Usher. I hope I can see him tour it in concert at some point.
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