Sunday, April 02, 2006

100 Most Banned Books 1990-2000

Check out the list of banned books. I was not suprised to see Harry Potter among them, however, several others shocked me throughly.

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson is a fantastic book. A link to a blurb on her website is at:

Julie and the Wolves, Roll of Thunder - Hear my Cry and a Wrinkle in Time are also personal favourites.

I'm just shaking my head. The world seems to have more people who want to stamp out even the suggestion of magic.

This puts the issue of the middle East war book that is under fire in a new light. I think parents underestimate childrens ability to handle challanging topics. These aren't books that'll give kids nightmares, they're just good books that tackle some of the tougher asspects of growing up.



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