Friday, June 19, 2009

Ptarmigan Sunset Sillhouette

This was a calm and still nearly pure white ptarmigan perched on a pile of rocks near the graveyard. Life is a crazy ride some days... I'm feeling like I'm in the calm of the center of a storm... although that may be my choice of music rather than my actual life. Okay.. back to the checklist.

The one thing I can say about the north is that people are amazing and kind and help strangers and friends. Its going to be weird being away. I guess after a few years one gets the swing of it... its a bit like having two lives a winter one and a summer one... I guess I should be used to that pattern after 11 years of school where I did that - well at least for 7 or 8 of those years..... I'm just shifting postal codes again - but its a longer way in miles and mental distance. Oddly the ever echoing "who am I?" seems quiet lately. Does that mean I've answered the question or just that I've been too busy to think about it... I've already decided that there isn't really a answer to that question that will last forever.... too busy I think... there is a lot to be answered and I have a large written document that I need to finish before I really dig into that can of worms. Trust me students.. freedom is getting your homework done... honest.

This is the problem in reading books that make my brain stretch a little or maybe being caught in the throes of a longer and more complicated than usual transition. I have too many thoughts bouncing around my brain like pebbles skittering down a slope you are trying to climb up, but I pick them up look at them and then let them roll back down. I'm just trying to keep them tidy, I'm not even trying to sort them out.... and I should be focusing on tidying.... and organizing and doing dishes and all that jazz because the grains of sand are sliding through the hourglass and sunset is coming....

Changelight baffles eyes
Strange, saturated colours
Highlight sillhouette

Furtive plants grasp hold
Of hidden shelter 'tween rocks
In snowdrift shadows
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