Saturday, March 03, 2012

"Happiness is a box of new crayons" socks

How to beat the winter blues? Knit up a pair of rediculously brightly coloured wool socks and then go "splash" on your cosmically peaceful yoga-mat lake in the middle of the living room.

Its Saturday afternoon and I've spent a good part of today discussing the coaching change for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Hoping its a good change, but recognizing that it was the only card left to play at this point. I guess we'll see. I'm looking forward to the game, but I'm nervous what it'll mean next year. Being a Leafs fan works best with a lot of unrealistic optimism and faith - and I'm sticking to that game plan until mathematical probability rears its ugly head. Stanley Cup here we come!!!! Until such time as I'm forced to revise my outlook to "Stanley Cup, here we come next year"

Beyond that - it is still cold and wintery outside - but the wind has gone done that and with it the wind chills. Its bright and crisp outside and its nice to have longer days.... if only one didn't need so many hours of sleep, just think of the things that you can get done.

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Blogger Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

Those socks are awesome!

11:25 PM  

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