Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Naptime in Canmore - Molly-Style

Zoe is all about the curling up and Molly is all about the flopping out.  This was a favourite chair last summer and the cats seem to be returning to their old haunts.  Save that Molly has figured out how to get on top of the fridge and then on top of the cupboards.  She has quite the drive to explore.  I've discovered that the best way to catch a Molly-cat is to open a drawer that I don't want her to hop into and wait a few seconds.  Zoe on the other hand prefers sneaking into cupboards rather than drawers.  Molly has also checked out every empty box and still likes hanging in Lululemon bags and all other nature of bags.

She is even napping after I put food in their bowls... although Zoe predictably ate some out of her bowl and now is sleathily going to the bathroom where Molly's bowl is - thinking I'm not going to notice if she eats Molly's food first and then comes back for hers.  Sneaky kitty.
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