Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cyril Sneer Creates Lake in his own Image: Evergreen Forest Post

Okay.... I have now seen the real life location of the Evergreen forest (proven by the location of a Cyril Sneer shaped lake) --- for anyone still confused - think back to one of the best children's cartoons ever - The Raccoons - and maybe if you are old enough it'll make sense to you - otherwise consider yourself lucky to be too young - although really, your childhood was lacking - although I have still stumbled across reruns on TV in the last few years.

I apologize for my continued lack of posts. I can provide the usual litany of excuses - largely that its been a busy 2 weeks finishing up the end of the term and in spite of breath-taking auroras in Norway, I've managed to miss seeing anything camera worthy here - largely due to continuous cloudiness for the past week or so when everywhere else they were amazing.

In other news, The Nunies - our regional blog awards are now on and nominations end tomorrow(Monday, January 17th) - For full details please check out The House and Other Musings or Nunavut Blogs.

I'll quote the bare bones important stuff here:
I have lots of great blogs listed in the side bar for anyone looking to make some nominations or just see what is happening about the north.  I apologize for taking so long to post this information - please spread the news.  The Nunies are lots of fun and this is just the nomination phase - the voting phase comes next.

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