I think I'm a clone now!!

We figured out some reasonable bus routes to Humber as a side effect of wondering why GO transit had cut busses on the route that I took to get to my gramma's. So all in all its been a productive event. I myself still have lots of paper to go through and throw out still.
On Thursday, I went up to Guelph to tag along with my supervisor and one of her students on a tour de stormwater facilities in Guelph. I naturally forgot my camera and will have to go back and get some pictures next week for Dr. Wilson. Guelph has some really impressive stuff going on in that department, sadly most of their ponds are fenced, unlike the ones here that have been made into outdoor park areas. There is also a surprising number of forest trails there. I don't know what the snow is like, but the skiing looks promising trail-wise. I met another permastudent who also has a biology-engineering background. There are a few of us - Katy H. too.
So, tommorrow, I'll sleep in - I've been out of the house before 7 three of the last five days. Then, I'll just keep working through the list on my board. Window shop for glasses, cars and chest waders if I get to it. Well, the Corrolla is still in the lead. Thanks to all the people who've taken the time to comment. I really enjoy reading them and its nice knowing how many people read my blog.

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