Saturday, November 01, 2008

And on to November

The past few months have whipped by so quickly I don't know where the time has gone. Today has been dedicated so far to cleaning and now to baking a loaf of bread. As soon as I have it set to rise - I'm off to the store (I supposed I should specify the Northern because there is also the convience store and the corner store - but I've never been to either - we also have a building labelled the Sanvik Coop - but even though I walk by it often - I'm not sure where the door is or if it is open) to buy a mop, some milk and some eggs and probably some fruit. I'm going to convert the leftover canned veggie soup I made up for supper into something more impressive soupwise and maybe make something special for dinner - and use up my potatoes. And that is what I have in mind of today... quiet, boring, and useful.
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