Thursday, July 22, 2010

Healy Pass Meadows

I will have to save the rest of the pictures and stories for tomorrow, but it didn't seem right not to post some paintbrush pictures. They were stunning. The glacier lillies are fading fast, although there were still patches where you could find them in their glory, and some kinds of anemone seemed to be finishing up their blooming, although the seed heads might actually be more impressive than their flowers, but the paintbrush were coming into their own.

The original plan had been to hike into Sunshine meadows, putter around and then maybe take the shuttle bus down, but seeing as the meadows in the direction of Egypt Lake were pretty spectacular, it was decided that there was a great advantage to going where there would be less people. We hardly saw anyone all day including having Egypt Lake entirely to ourselves, which was really nice. It was also nice going somewhere I hadn't been before.

I definitely was spoiled with wildflowers yesterday, and breathtaking views of mountains and clouds and blue sky. Even the sunset was spectacular on the drive home with the mostly full moon hanging just above the mountains.

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