Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mad Science

Well, perhaps more like mad about science! Its been a great 2 weeks of celebrating science and young, budding scientists with both our local and regional science fairs. (Its also my excuse for dropping off the face of the blogging world recently.) I even took a took of pictures, but all of them have people in them, so not much use blogwise.

Now that it is all over, I am excited that I'm caught up with things at work and I'm looking forward to the warmer weather, so I can hopefully get outside more - already the next week has a series of days with highs in the minus-teens, combine that with light winds or calm days and lots and lots of sunshine and its hard not to feel enthusiasm and optimism.

Hoepfully there will be more frequent blogs to follow... at the very least I'm knitting my first pair of socks in a long while and although they are pretty boring... they are prettty.

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