Thursday, January 15, 2009

Phase two of the Nunavut Blog Awards

The first phase of the Nunavut Blog Awards aka "The Nunies" is complete and the nominations have been tallied and the 5 blogs in each of the "Best Blog" and "Best New Blog" Catagories have been posted. There are also 8 author-nominated posts that are competing for "Best Post of 2008". If you are interested in discovering some of the best of what the Nunavut Blogging commuity has to offer... here is the link to the contest. The last day for voting is January 20th, 2009 at 11:59.

I had intended to write a longer post, but my 20 minutes of Yoga was dominated by relaxation, namely one of my poses twistings itself into a comfy curl up on the floor post and wisely, I decided it was best to pack it up and actually sleep in my own comfortable bed rather than wake up in the middle of the night half frozen and sneezing from the carpet.

So good night, with one eye too sleepy to stay open and the other one struggling to pretend its not.

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