Sunday, June 05, 2011

Ghost Town

Spooky looking picture on a lovely evening. It seems brighter out today and the wind is calmer and it has stopped snowing, but the system that brought us the "JUNE BLIZZARD" has left a sloppy glaze of icy messy snow atop, what had appeared to be the begging of the ground come out for spring. The sky is still relatively grey, but it seems to be trying to shake that bit of weather and hopefully go on to be slightly more seasonal. The weatherfolk are not promising anything much about 0 C temperature this coming week, although there does appear to be some sunshine in the next few days.

Apparently I missed a big Geomagnetic storm in the last 24 hours, but I can offer myself some solace that even if it had been dark, I still couldn't see through the clouds. Its strange living in a place that never gets dark. Even walking home after midnight on a miserable day still seemed light enough to be day. It definitely makes it hard to mentally figure out what time it is, but on the other hand I have much less trouble getting out of bed in the morning when its light. There was an interesting article about how Caribou have their circadian rhythem shut off because of the wacky seasonal light shifts.

I guess I'd better go write a to do list and start working my way through it in hopes of getting more sleep than less sleep this week. I've decided in my old age, that getting enough sleep isn't so bad afterall... it might even be good.
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